Dear Ones,
The following 2 prayers: “I” AM THE “I” prayer and The PEACE OF “I” prayer are given as a gift from The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos.
Please feel free to use these 2 prayers as you are inspired with our permission.
Thank you very much.
We wish you, your family, relatives and ancestors PEACE beyond all understanding,
Constance ZHoku=Pana Webber, Chairperson of the Board of The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos
Kamailelauli’I Rafaelovich, President of The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos
“I” AM THE “I”
“I” come forth from the void into light,
Pua mai au mai ka po iloko o ka malamalama,
“I” am the breath that nurtures life,
Owau no ka ha, ka mauli ola,
“I” am that emptiness, that hollowness beyond all consciousness,
Owau no ka poho, ke ka’ele mawaho a’e o no ike apau.
The “I”, the Id, the All.
Ka “I”, Ke Kino Iho, na Mea Apau.
“I” draw my bow of rainbows across the waters,
Ka a’e au “I” ku’u pi’o o na anuenue mawaho a’e o na kai a pau,
The continuum of minds with matters.
Ka ho’omaumau o na mana’o ame na mea a pau.
“I” am the incoming and outgoing of breath,
Owau no ka “Ho” a me ka “Ha”,
The invisible, untouchable breeze,
He huna ka makani nahenahe,
The undefinable atom of creation.
Ka “Hua” huna o Kumulipo.
“I” AM THE “I”.
Owau no ka “I”.
Copyright © 1980 The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos
Peace be with you, All My Peace,
O ka Maluhia no me oe, Ku’u Maluhia a pau loa,
The Peace that is “I”, the Peace that is “I am”.
Ka Maluhia o ka “I”, owau no ka Maluhia,
The Peace for always, now and forever and evermore.
Ka Maluhia no na wa a pau, no ke’ia wa a mau a mau loa aku.
My Peace “I” give to you, My Peace “I” leave with you,
Ha’awi aku wau “I” ku’u Maluhia ia oe, waiho aku wau “I” ku’u Maluhia me oe,
Not the world’s Peace, but, only My Peace,
A’ole ka Maluhia o ke ao aka, ka’u Maluhia wale no,
Ka Maluhia o ka “I”.
Copyright © 1980 The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos
FOI Copyright
All Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) materials are copyrighted and may not be shared without written permission. It is our responsibility to inform you that any misuse and abuse of the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® materials may have negative consequences. The SITH® materials are copyrighted and copyright laws are in effect. We ask that you respect our copyright materials.
The SITH® materials are spiritual materials. It takes tremendous preparation and spiritual cleaning to use the materials for teaching. If you are not an authorized instructor or coordinator, you may have a negative impact using the materials for teaching, when you have not been authorized to do so. The ramifications for you, your family, relatives, and ancestors could be tremendous. It is our responsibility to share this with you……………the choice is yours!
FOI Disclaimer
No guarantee whatsoever is made to anyone by The Foundation of I, Inc. (Freedom of the Cosmos), its founder, Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, its employees, independent contractors, volunteers and instructors, Pacifica Seminars, Inc., or by the Divinity, the “I”, that the system of stress release and self-identity known as Ho’oponopono, as updated by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, including, but not limited to, all meditations, visualizations, decrees, cleansings, spiritual healings and protections embodied in this book will yield specific results or desired outcomes at anytime.
The functioning of the Ho’oponopono process in conjunction with universal and cosmic laws is a direct experience between each individual, his or her own tri-une self and the Divinity, the “I”. Karma and Divine Providence must be the final arbiter of each one’s application of the Ho’oponopono process. Each individual can only be a witness to his or her own personal healing, cleansing and protections of the body, mind and spirit through the use of disciplines and processes herewith. The practice of proof of the Ho’oponopono process rests with the individual as each may prove or disprove the power of Ho’oponopono for himself or herself.
FOI Materials
The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos also promotes materials that continue the mission and spiritual teaching of Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona.